Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 is committed to ensuring the privacy and accuracy of all confidential information. The University does not actively share personal information gathered from Web servers. 然而, 因为密歇根州立大学丹佛分校是一所公立机构, 从密歇根州立大学丹佛分校网站上收集的一些信息, 包括摘要服务器日志信息, 发送到网站的电子邮件, 以及从网上表格收集的信息, 会否受公开档案政策规管. 这意味着,虽然信息没有主动共享, in some cases the University may be compelled by law to release information gathered from Web servers.

As part of the University commitment to maintaining the privacy of Web users, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校制定了本隐私声明. 该声明有两个目的:

  1. 教育用户有关隐私问题
  2. To inform users about specific privacy policies and guidelines employed at Metropolitan State University of 丹佛

Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which prohibits the release of education records 除了公共目录信息, 未经学生允许. 有关FERPA的更多详情,请浏览以下网址查阅 /办公室/ OII / fpco / ferpa /.

皇冠体育官网网络由许多Web服务器组成. Some servers, sites and services hosted by non-IT departments may have individual privacy statements.  然而, such policies must be reviewed by the appropriate authorities and must be posted on their servers. 这些政策必须遵守所有联邦和州的法规.

The 密歇根州立大学丹佛 website contains links to hundreds of external websites and services. The University is not responsible f或者是 privacy practices 或者是 content of external websites.


The University Web servers generate temporary logs that contain the following information:

  • 正在使用的计算机的因特网地址
  • 引用网页
  • 请求的网页
  • 访问日期和时间
  • 浏览器使用
  • NID(仅适用于SIS服务的唯一个人标识符)

The log data is used by system administrators and web content managers to tune the website for efficiency and is not ordinarily associated with specific individuals. See Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources Policy for further information (
Summary reports produced from the logs help web publishers determine what pages are most popular. 例如, the aggregate reports can show each page accessed and how many times it was viewed. The reports can also show what times of the day and what days of the week are most popular and from where the web users are accessing the Internet.

The University does not collect personal information on individuals unless they voluntarily participate in an activity that asks for information. 例如, 一些密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的网站可能会要求您提供姓名等个人信息, address, 电子邮件地址, 和phone号码提供某些服务.  Any personally identifiable information - sent to us will be used only f或者是 purpose indicated and only the information necessary to complete the transaction will be collected.  密歇根州立大学丹佛分校不会出售, exchange or otherwise distribute personally identifiable information without consent, 除非法律规定.  这延伸到收集所有个人身份信息, 无论来源或媒介如何.

cookie是由Web浏览器存储的小块数据. 饼干 are often used to remember information about preferences and pages users have visited. 例如, when visiting some sites on the Web a  "Welcome Back" message may appear. The first time the site was visited, a cookie was likely set on the computer. 当用户返回到该地址时,将再次读取cookie. Users can refuse to accept cookies, can disable cookies, and remove cookies from the hard drive. Please see you're the appropriate Web browser provider's help documentation for instructions how to do this.

各种密歇根州立大学丹佛 Web服务器以不同的方式使用cookie.  The University's portal system uses cookies so individuals will not have to repeatedly enter user names and passwords when going to different areas of the student information system. This login process uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) so the user name and password are encrypted between the Web browser and the University Web server.

Some Web servers within the University may also use cookies to retain user preference information. It is against University policy to share this information with external third parties.

The University does its best to ensure that the personal information retained about individuals is accurate. 每个教职员工, staff member and student has the ability to check and update personal information such as his or her name, address, phone, 等. 可在 学生中心 或者是 教职员工页面.

尽管没有计算机系统是100%安全的, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 has deployed extensive security measures to protect against the loss, 滥用, 或更改大学所控制的资料.

电子商务 & 收入
Several sites within 密歇根州立大学丹佛 enable users to pay for products or services online with a credit card. Unless otherwise noted, these transactions are encrypted using SSL technology. It is University policy that confidential information entered in the transaction is used only f或者是 purpose described in that transaction, 除非该网站特别说明了其他用途.

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校, 根据用户的明确要求, share information with other parties and gather information from other private data providers. 例如, the University receives test scores from testing agencies and will send transcripts to other schools. This is done only at the request of users (persons to whom the information applies).

符合FERPA, 学校不公布学生的个人信息, 除了公共目录信息, to other parties unless an explicit written authorization is submitted requesting the institution to do so.  Students who wish to have their information removed from the campus directory should visit the 注册处 在学生成功大楼160.

受FERPA管辖的教育记录除外, 从大学网站收集的所有信息, 包括摘要服务器日志信息, 发送到网站的电子邮件, 以及从网上表格收集的信息, may be made available to requesting parties if it is subject to the Colorado Open Records Act.

将意见发送至 (电子邮件保护).  当发送评论时,包括当前的邮寄地址. 不要随邮件发送附件.